Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I think that it should be an unanimous vote between the jury.in a case like in twelve angry men, a less than unanimous vote would have ment death for the person who was actually not guilty.

Cell phones should be taken awat also. As to not cloud the jury's mind. But in instances where they need to know something, like how long it would take for a car to get somewhere. Research should be allowed.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


"pork" is a name people have given to different investments the government has made towards stuff that is plain stupid or deemed worthless by the viewers. It upsets the people who deemed it worthless or stupid because they simply don't agree with it. Now some of the stuff is just
Lain worthless to almost everyone, but some of it I like and think was worth it. Like building the rainforest indoors, now at least some animals and p,ants won't go completely extinct. I don't agree with ones like how they are building the road for no reason with nine million dollars, or where they are funding companies with our tax dollars. But the politicions might argue that they need to please everyone.

(only first video worked, couldn't watch rest)

Friday, December 2, 2011


A filibuster is when a debtor refuses to yield to another.

They could be a positive thing when used like in the movie we watched in class. During something very important.

It is bad when used by a law breaker, or political machine. Or if used against a group of people.

I support keeping filibusters, because they have been around a long time. And in times of need that people would use stuff against you. They could also help stop a bil that would be bad to have.